Consort Group commits to Reforest’Action

For 20 years, Consort Group has been committed to social and environmental responsibility. Consort Group has decided to reinforce its ecological initiatives by committing to forests with Reforest’Action.

Consort Group takes action for the forest

This commitment aims to support reforestation efforts worldwide.

Conscious of the importance of forests for biodiversity, climate regulation and the well-being of local communities, Consort Group has chosen to plant trees and finance forest restoration projects.

This action is in addition to Consort Group’s existing practices such as recycling, dematerializing documents and raising awareness of ecogestures, illustrating the company’s overall commitment to sustainability and environmental protection.

Given the nature of the tech businesses, it would be easy to think that they have a marginal impact on the environment. However, these activities do have an environmental impact, which is monitored every year by our Quality Department teams.

To reduce our carbon footprint, we have in order :

  • Calculated our carbon footprint: completed in 2022 and currently being updated with 2023 data.
  • Reduced this carbon footprint with a transition plan affecting all departments (FM, IT, Purchasing, etc.).
  • Offset unavoidable CO2 emissions by financing forestry projects that promote carbon sequestration and storage by forest soils and forests.

It is important to understand that offsetting does not cancel any emissions, nor does it dispense with efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon offsetting through tree planting with Reforest’Action is an example of capturingCO2 from the atmosphere.

In the Moroccan province of Taza, Reforest’Action has teamed up with the High Atlas Foundation to involve women’s communities in the development of agroforestry. The project, developed in collaboration with the Moroccan Department of Water and Forests, aims to plant 300,000 fruit trees among 3,000 local farmers over three years.

In France, in the Centre-Val de Loire region, in the department of Cher, this project consists of afforesting 7.3 hectares of neglected farmland. The project’s technical features and numerous environmental benefits have earned it the Label Bas-Carbone certification. This label recognizes projects aimed at reducing Scope 1 or 2 emissions and sequestering carbon.

For more information, visit the Consort Group contributor page.

Reforest'Action, vous connaissez ?

rest’Action has carried out more than 1500 projects in 45 countries, mainly thanks to funding from more than 3500 companies.

Reforest’Action helps to rebalance carbon impacts by planting trees all over the world, where they are needed!

But that’s not all. Reforest’Action offers solutions to meet the environmental challenges of organisations:

  • By contributing to carbon neutrality
  • By transforming value chains
  • By taking action close to home or elsewhere with regeneration projects
  • By restoring nature in urban areas

In fact, as soon as a new employee joins Consort Group, Reforest’ Action plants a tree*.

More than 600 trees have already been planted or preserved, with the following estimated benefits:

  • 90 tonnes of equivalent estimated over 30 years
  • 1800 animal shelters created
  • 2400 months of oxygen generated
  • 600 hours of work created

Funding carbon offset projects does not in any way make up for emissions that have already been produced. The Consort Group would like to emphasise that it is necessary for the future of the planet to reduce its carbon footprint and that the best CO2 is the CO2 that is not emitted.

*After validation of the trial period.

For more information, visit the Reforest’Action website.

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