They trust us


With nearly 30 years of partnership, we are proud to contribute to the development, with and for our customers, of tomorrow’s information and data management systems.

Banking & Insurance

Revolutionizing customer relations

Supporting the challenges of the banking and insurance businesses, such as controlling production costs: new business models, digitalization of services, multi-channel, security, regulatory and technological developments, controlling production budgets, data flows and real time…

Industry & Service

Building the world of tomorrow!

Accompanying the entry into the industrial revolutions 3.0 and 4.0 as well as the control of production costs: changes in business models, upheaval of relations with end customers (disintermediation, fine customer knowledge, personalization…), increased digitalization of processes or development of mobility…

Telecom & Media

Exploiting the new black gold!

To accompany a sector in full industrial revolution with the convergence of the telecommunications networks, the best multimedia services as well as the constant revolutions of the offers of subscription…

Energy & Utilities

In a world that needs to change!

Accompanying the digital transformation of companies, the energy revolution and the necessary evolution of consumption modes through the digitalization and performance of information systems: growth of regional markets, internationalization of exchanges, new distribution models, personalized offers, new uses…

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