Fraternibus, one of Consort’s Level Up projects

At Consort, diversity is both a commitment and part of our culture’s DNA. The professional and personal backgrounds of each of our employees feed our know-how, the quality of our services and our culture.


Small, everyday acts of solidarity, as well as atypical career paths, can be a source of inspiration and admiration, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.



Fraternibus, one of Consort’s Level Up projects

Our Level Up program launched in 2024, aims to support these “extraordinary” projects by offering financial support to those involved, so that the dreams of some become the pride of all.

Let’s focus on the project led by Virginie Metzger, Business Engineer Manager at Consort Group. This project is in line with core values such as proximity and commitment.

Discover Virginie Metzger’s interview and find out more about the genesis of the project, what inspired her to take the plunge, the challenges and difficulties encountered, and what she takes away from it.


Could you briefly introduce yourself?

I joined Consort Group 10 years ago. I’m a Business Engineer Manager and I have been specializing in the banking and insurance sector for over a year.

Fraternibus is a bit like your baby. Can you tell us about the project in a few words ?

Fraternibus is a national solidarity project launched by Secours Catholique (cf. a French solidarity association). I supported the project implemented in the Eure-et-Loir French region. The aim is to help people in financial distress, fight against isolation and poverty. It’s a long-term project.

In practical terms, a converted van goes out to meet people in need on the markets throughout France. It’s a regional project but it has the potential to be duplicated in every region of France. The project was launched on February 13, 2024.

How does the help materialize on the ground?

The Fraternibus truck has made several trips through the Eure-et-Loir region since January 2024.

These encounters have enabled us to bring moments of conviviality to people in need, listening and taking care of them… but not only! There is also financial assistance in the form of service vouchers for food aid, as well as material aid with, for example, a donation of second-hand clothing. Finally, the people on site can assist those who need to be helped for professional integration or return to employment, if they express the need for it.

What was your role and can you tell us more about the contribution of Consort ?

I helped set up the project in Eure-et-Loire. I’ve been in regular contact with the Referent in charge of Fraternitour for the departemental delegation, who is very active in the project.

Consort Group’s financial contribution has also helped finance the van’s journeys and upkeep.

Why is this project so important to you?

I’ve known a number of elderly people who are completely alone and isolated. As well as being listened to and accompanied, some of them need practical help in areas such as digital accessibility. It’s a subject which moves me deeply.

What kind of people does the program target?

Lately, we’ve been meeting a lot of families with children, single-parent families and single women of all ages.

What challenges does Fraternibus face?

With the association, we face challenges on a daily basis to carry out our actions on the ground : gain authorizations from municipalities and various structures, find volunteers, raise some funds, and so on and so forth.

Our main challenge, of course, is to develop our project further on and be more present locally.

I answered to Consort’s call for proposals, without really believing in it, as part of the Level Up program. I got Consort’s help just when the association needed it. It shows everything is possible if we really want !

What personal satisfaction do you get from it?

This project has enabled me to listen more and help others. What’s in it for me? Well… a great feeling of usefulness and a certain pride in having contributed to improving the daily lives of people in Eure-et-Loir via this association.

Can you sum up the experience in 3 words?

Challenging, engaging and human. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing!


There’s no doubt that this wonderful project will inspire new vocations for next year’s Level Up program !

” Even though we have little means and we are insufficiently prepared,

anything is possible if you really want it “

Virginie Metzger

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