Consort Group becomes main sponsor of the first years of INSA Lyon’s elite sports program.

A win-win partnership!

Consort Group, main sponsor of the first years of INSA Lyon’s elite sports program


For years, Consort Group has been recruiting people with passionate personalities to its teams: volunteers, music fanatics, sculpture enthusiasts, physical feats enthusiasts, motorcycle enthusiasts, car enthusiasts, musical theatre fans, sports enthusiasts, etc.
We could have adopted the famous slogan “our teams have talent”…

On the sporting front, our teams today include French champions, world champions and Olympic hopefuls in swimming, athletics, boxing, Thai, etc., as well as a former trainer… These sportsmen and women, former or current top-level athletes, find their equilibrium at Consort Group.

So what could be more natural than to set up this partnership with the Sport de Haut Niveau de l’INSA Lyon (elite sports section) !

As a sponsor, our role is to contribute to the extraordinary careers of future young engineers, in search of a double success between sport and top-level studies.


Contribute to the extraordinary careers of future young engineers

  • Support for high-performance projects (nutritionist, mental coach)

  • Professional opportunities to support the education and professional integration of future national and international champions.t sponsor the class of 2023/2024 as well as young athletes.


For us, it’s an opportunity to open up our teams to these extraordinary personalities, and for our employees to benefit from this unique experience.

For these young people, it’s the chance to benefit from facilities for physical and mental preparation, and the provision of adapted training environments: new training equipment, preparatory coaching, acupuncture and prophylaxis.

We also offer internships in conditions suited to their availability, with internship offers adapted to the constraints of athletes, and job offers with schedules also adapted to the IT sector.


Read the testimonials of Hervé BIZZOTTO – Director of INSA Lyon’s Sport de Haut Niveau section, Angélique MAISONNEUVE – Consort Group Human Resources Director, Aurore BOURÇOIS – Consort Group Business Engineer and sponsor of the 2023/2024 graduating class, and other young athletes.

Partnership Consort x Section SHN INSA Lyon

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