Consort expands the number of its certified sites
The implementation of hybrid organizations (inside / nearshore / offshore) in service centers brings to our projects and outsourcing contracts increasingly, all the agility and customization necessary for solutions tailored to the production constraints of our customers.
In order to better respond to regulatory and security needs in this context, and as part of the monitoring of all its ISO certifications, Consort has expanded the scope of some of these certifications.
Our teams and production sites in France, Morocco and Portugal are now concerned by our certifications.
Our certifications

Monitoring of our 9001/14001 certifications in France
The ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications already acquired by Consort have been maintained on all our sites and service centers in France: Paris Cap Etoile, Toulouse, Lille, Nantes, Castres, Lyon and La Défense.
Follow-up and expansion of our 20000/27001 certifications
The quality of all our services, particularly in outsourcing and information security, is at the heart of our concerns. Our sites, certified in 2015 ISO 20000-1 and in 2016 ISO 27001 have been maintained.
Our service centers in Rabat and Porto, which are closely associated with our production organizations for French contracts or which provide their own services, are now part of the panel of our 20000-1 and 27001 certified sites.
We are proud to be able to highlight them as one of our centers of excellence in the fields of Quality and Safety.
Would you like to know more?
What is ISO 9001?
The 9001 certification allows to identify a company with a management considered qualitative, standardized by the ISO (the international organization of standardization). The management system and the internal processes are at the service of a follow-up and an improvement of the customers’ satisfaction.
Regular audits are carried out in order to guarantee a high level of requirement. Consort Group and its subsidiaries are thus part of a continuous improvement cycle.
What is ISO 14001?
The 14001 certification also defines a type of management, but this one is oriented towards the environment. In a world where social responsibility is becoming more and more important, 14001 certification helps companies to measure their impact in order to improve.
A dedicated department or organization manages the environmental performance which can include several parameters such as waste reduction, resource rationalization, air pollution reduction… The same dynamic of continuous improvement is imposed to keep this certification.
What is ISO 20000-1?
The ISO 20000-1 certification reflects a management of our services in perfect adequacy with the ITIL® Best Practices and the reliability of our IT systems.
What is ISO 27001 ?
Our ISO 27001 certification, relative to the information security management system, testifies to the growing emphasis placed by Consort Group and its subsidiaries on the development of its Cybersecurity offers, putting its expertise at the service of its outsourced customers as well as the development of its areas of intervention.
« Because the security of our clients is our security »
Sébastien LAMBERT – RSSI Consort Group, Practice Leader Cybersecurity
All these certifications have one thing in common, they are part of Consort’s environmental, social or societal policies.
Find out more about our documents and declarations:
- Communication of progress (Pacte de l’ONU)
- Grow sustainably