Specialized distribution
E-commerce Testing

Supporting the transformation of the testing organization towards a more industrial and secure model 

Distribution – Testing E-Commerce


Following a profound evolution of its E-Commerce site, this industrial/distributor specialized in textiles wished to secure and industrialize all minor and major updates. 

The choice was made by mutual agreement to support this industrialization by setting up automatic tests and implementing DevOps best practices. 

In an international context, with 3 Business Units involved (England, France, Benelux/Luxembourg), one of the major challenges was to provide a complete team to finalize the UATs by BU, to absorb the tickets (Core, Spec UK, Spec Fr, Spec Be/Lux) in a very short time. 

In parallel, Consort set up the monitoring KPI’s and started the automation (POC, installation of tools, identification of tests to be automated in the framework of CI/CD, non-regression…). 

Our added value resided in our ability to provide our client with an ISTQB-certified team experienced in the world of international e-commerce. An involved, professional, self-learning and empowered team!  

David TENZA | Regional Consortia Director - Consort France

An important mobilization capacity

We provided a team of Test Consultants within a week. This short deadline, imposed by the very close dates of GoLive (less than 3 weeks), also required the implementation of highly targeted training resources through skills matrices allowing the measurement of technical and functional acquisition around the website. In addition, a governance team was set up with the objective of 

  • Monitor progress through KPIs, 
  • To be part of a continuous improvement process, 
  • Transform the ATG model currently in place, 
  • Accompany the client organization in this transformation. 

Our difference and our strength reside in the combination of business and technical skills: an important experience of our Testing teams allowing a fine understanding of the specific stakes in the field of international E-Commerce, an expertise on the testing tools necessary for industrialization. 

In concrete terms, Consort provided a hybrid team of Test consultants on the client’s site and others in full remote mode (Confirmed QA Lead, Functional Technical QA and QA Analysts). The implementation and the critical phases of the project were accompanied by our Practice Leader, allowing in particular to sensitize all the actors to the good practices of Test (generic and specific to the Customer context). 

 An expert in Test Automation was also involved to carry out various POC’s. 

Adaptation of the Test methodology

The testing methodology used is ISTQB®. 100% of our employees are certified. 

The integration of QA profiles in the daily meetings to share the quality vision (IT and Business) with the project actors has been essential. 

Visual management support

A Quality Dashboard has been implemented in the JIRA tool. 

Automation strategy

The Test team has been involved in the DevOps approach, both in terms of culture and tooling. The automation strategy is thus integrated into the CI/CD approach. 

Training of all the actors

To facilitate the transformation, and also to raise awareness among all the project players, Consort has raised the awareness of the project managers and Product Owners. 


weeks for the creation of the core team 


actors trained of customer project 


Quality assurance

Our profiles are involved in the completeness of projects. Some of them are specifically trained in Green IT Testing or accessibility testing

Training and support

From theory to practice, Consort designs and delivers customized training to its employees and clients.

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