A commitment to proximity
Continuing to emphasize proximity, especially geographically, in a world where the farthest reaches are at your fingertips may seem out of date. But this proximity defines us, profoundly.
In a service business, modernity does not exclude human contact and physical encounters. Without this contact, there can be no attentiveness, no listening, no understanding, and no adaptation.
We reject standardized solutions, and we don’t sell products, we offer industrialized, bespoke services.
We do not manage staff, we accompany each of our employees in their search for professional fulfillment.
Customer support
Territorial proximity is essential for us. Understanding the technical and economic contexts of each client, their operational challenges as well as their recruitment challenges requires a detailed knowledge of the geographical territories and regular contact.
Our objective is to accompany each of our clients in their own territory and on all their Data and IT issues, in the most complete way possible.
Integration into the economic fabric
For Consort Group, our territorial presence is also an opportunity to make a pragmatic territorial commitment: support for ETIs, employment development, support for economic development, local suppliers, support for local sports teams and cultural offers…
Proximity to employees
We are convinced that regular contact with management (both commercial and technical) favours better understanding of choices and expectations, and facilitates the development of a career plan in line with the professional objectives of each individual. At Consort Group, it is not uncommon for this proximity to lead to choices of territorial mobility!
Our functional, technical or territorial communities are also nourished by geographical proximity, by the little things that are shared over a pizza, a friendly moment or training.
Our geographical locations encourage these moments.
Respect for local cultures
As much as Consort Group is committed to respecting its values and policies, we are just as committed to respecting individuals and cultures. Each of our agencies has its own unique character, a balance between the strategic application of the Group’s values and policies and the richness of local environments:
Portugal vibrates to the rhythm of its charitable initiatives, Luxembourg’s festivities are a highlight for all visitors, the conviviality of our French regions lights up many an evening, Paris has a variety of community activities depending on its managers, Morocco has proven to possess extraordinary hospitality skills…
… while Switzerland and Belgium share the prize for the quality of human relations…

Consort Belgium, Think global... Act locally!
Mobilized for the success of its clients, the Consort Belgium team carries the values and shares the expertise of the Consort Group in Brussels, in the surrounding area and throughout the Belgian territory.
Committed to the economic actors in Belgium since 2016, we propose an offer of services relating to Infrastructure and Application Solutions, with a strong reliance on our Belgian consultants and support provided by the skills and infrastructure of the group when necessary.

Consort France, home of the group
Initially anchored in the heart of France’s leading economic area, the Paris region, Consort has built its territorial organization to serve its key accounts, with a number of other sites and agencies around the country improving proximity to both clients and employees.
Present throughout the country, we draw upon this proximity on a daily basis, which is essential for a partnership with our clients and for the support of each of our experts.
For over a quarter of a century, Consort has been striving for excellence and performance with a human face.
Our communities of experts accompany you in your digital transformation and understand your social and environmental challenges.
Today and even more tomorrow…
Franck MERCIER | Deputy Managing Director in charge of the Regions – Consort Group

Consort Luxembourg, your IT/digitization partner in the Grand Duchy
Created in 2017, Consort Luxembourg serves locally large international accounts as well as Luxembourg reference players.
Our playground now extends beyond the borders of the Grand Duchy, allowing us to offer our experts and consultants career opportunities in Luxembourg and in Lorraine.
With a recognized dynamism, close to our customers and collaborators, we have experienced a sustained organic growth since our creation.

Consort Morocco, more than 15 years of history
Created in 2007, Consort Morocco has a double ambition: to promote the nearshore activities of the group in Morocco and to serve the development of Moroccan companies through the excellence of its service and expertise.
Committed to large national and international companies in the financial, industrial, telecommunications, services and retail sectors, our teams’ expertise and know-how are built around 4 areas of activity.
countries of reference for the support of our clients
Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Morocco, Portugal and Switzerland.
headquarters, agencies, offices and outsourced service centers
close to our customers and employees
of revenues generated outside France in 2021

Consort Portugal, an asset for your managed services projects
In 2021, Consort Group will set up in the “unconquerable” city of Porto to develop its nearshore activities.
Our goal: To accompany the clients of Consort Group in their strategic decision to offshore, especially European clients, and to bring our know-how in infrastructure services to the Portuguese market.
Our teams, from a service centre in Porto, bring to the French and European market the advantages of an environment of excellence with an important offshoring potential.

Consort Switzerland, a strong local commitment
As a young player in the Swiss digital services market, and with the support of the Consort Group ecosystem, Consort Switzerland brings to its clients the commitment of a dynamic, caring and ambitious team with a strong local presence.
Our resources are mobilized to respond to your needs for resources or services with fast, efficient and personalized answers, both technical and human.
Ready to start your project with us ?
Our experts are at your disposal
to design a customized offer adapted to your needs.
Consort Group is looking for talents
Are you an expert in data, development, testing, business or a desktop or infrastructure specialist?
Your community is waiting for you.